Sunday, November 28, 2010

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences.
The main point of the story is photo editing other's photos to show a different image can have you resigned from your job and losing your integrity. You are manipulating a photographer's own creation, the image they wanted to take. By digitally editing the image you are turning the image into your creation.

B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable.
I think this type of photo editing is unethical because as i was saying it is a photographer's image their creation. You are basically stealing the person's image to be your own the way you want the image to be. The only way it would be acceptable is if you were enhancing the photo not adding or cloning the image.

2. Look through the example images on this page:
A. This is the most unethical manipulation because that is not Oprah's body they photoshoped her head onto Ann Margaret's body. They are basically saying Oprah's body is not good enough for their magazine so they had to go manipulate her head onto somebody's else body. I believe woman should be proud of their body no matter what shape or size they are, this tv guide offends Oprah's fans. The fans that look up to Oprah for being proud of her body.

B. This is a least unethical, it is not that bad compared to all the others because they are just enhancing the image not manipulating it to make the photo even worst.

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